Monday, August 29, 2011

Michele Bachmann and the Providence of God

"I don't know how much God has to do to get the attention of the politicians. We've had an earthquake; we've had a hurricane. He said, 'Are you going to start listening to me here?'" said Michele Bachmann yesterday. As Stephen Prothero notes, providential readings of storms, earthquakes, and other disasters truly have been marginalized due to the rise of the scientific, secular mentality. Evangelical politicians and pundits should stop offering such providential interpretations unless they take time for theological reflection on God's role in the fallen natural world. I know this is asking a lot, but there are intelligent ways to talk about God's providence beyond saying that disasters reveal God's anger toward our policies and politicians. Crass providentialism feeds the worst stereotypes of evangelical thoughtlessness.   
UPDATE: Bachmann says she was just joking to make a point. Video of the speech here


  1. Let's be fair now. She said she was just trying to make her point in a humorous way. After all, death, destruction ans natural disasters are hilarious. Right?

  2. Good post, by the way.

  3. Great word, Tommy! I appreciate your good insights.

  4. Thanks for the thoughtful post, Dr. Kidd. I found it very ironic that Congresswoman Bachmann immediately followed her alleged quote from God, "Are you going to start listening to me here?" with her seemingly obvious solution of "Listen to the American people." Perhaps an unconscious but very telling nod towards the notion that the Church in America today has all too often mistaken Christianity with the American dream.

  5. you're right, Sam--the casual reference reveals a lot
